Sustainability Livelihood Security in Community Forests, Surkhet District, Nepal
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Published: 7 October 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Community forests play a significant role in supporting and improving livelihoods and thus sustainable livelihood security (SLS) is worthwhile for sustainable development, but the research regarding this is very limited in Nepal. Thus this research was objectively conducted to assess ecological value of tree species, socio economic efficiency and sustainable livelihood security index in three community forests (CFs) of Surkhet. Both primary and secondary data were collected from field using participatory rural approach and technique, related reports and publication. Total 75 sample plots were established; specifically 25 samples were collected from each CF applying stratified random sampling. Nested plots having size 20×25, 10×10,5×5 and 1x1m2 were laid down for the tree, pole, sapling and seedling respectively. The Diameter at breast height and height of plants were measured, species were noted and their number was recorded. Total 3 focus group discussions were conducted with the users group. The collected data were analyzed using importance value index (IVI), biodiversity indices and finally scoring the SLS. The highest IVI of key species i.e. Shore arobusta was 249.96±10.88 in Janata CF and followed by Shiva CF (184.75±10.83) and Ambika CF (184.75±10.83). The Shannon-Weiner index was the highest 0.742±0.058 in Ambika CF while it was the lowest 0.292±0.071 in Janata CF. Similarly the Simpson’s index was the highest about 0.798±0.045 in Janata CF and lowest was about 0.532±0.036 in Ambika CF. The regeneration was the highest in Janata community forest with 5280 seedling/ha but sapling was the highest in Ambika community forest with 5648 plants/ha. The volume was the highest in Ambika community forest with 244.66 m3/ha. The Ecological Security Index was the highest in Ambika community forests with value 87.2 and the lowest value was 49.99 of Janata community forest. The average social equality value was similar in Shiva and Ambika community forest with 92% each. The average vale of economic efficiency was the highest 92% in Ambika community forest but it was the lowest 50 in Shiva CF. The sustainable livelihood security index was the highest around 90.4 in Ambika community forest while it was the lowest only 63.99 in Janata community forest . The study is useful to evaluate livelihood security in the forest.
Keywords: sustainable livelihood security index, importance value index

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How to Cite
Seema Lamichhane, Ram Asheshwar Mandal*, Ajay Bhakta Mathema, Dipika Badal. (2020-10-07). "Sustainability Livelihood Security in Community Forests, Surkhet District, Nepal." *Volume 4*, 4, 1-10